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Kids Product Review- "Cocomo"

We see a slew of baby products in the market. But there is shortage of products for kids in the range of 4-16 years. This age group neither comes under babies, nor under adults. Though baby products can still be used but adult cosmetic products- a big NO. 

I was using a baby shampoo for my daughter (7+) since toddlerhood, but then her hair started to dry out. After lot of research, I found that there are not many brands and products available for middle years, pre-teens and teenagers.

Then, I came across the brand Cocomo.
Cocomo is the best brand for growing kids and teens. As per Cocomo, their products are 100% safe and natural with no parabens and no sulphates. You can find wide range of products on their website- Hair care, Bath and body, Deodorants, Travel packs, Combo packs etc for growing teen girls.

I ordered 'Cocomo- Earth Shine' Shampoo, according to my daughter's hair requirement and I am not disappointed. Her long hair-locks are getting better day by day, or rather I would say,  shampoo by shampoo๐Ÿ˜€.

 Cocomo Earth-Shine Shampoo 

There are three variations available in shampoo, depending on the hair requirement- Cocomo- Minty Sea, Cocomo- Earth Shine, and Cocomo- Moon sparkle. I am really excited about their travel packs too.
This is one brand which you all should definitely check out for your growing children, according to their needs. 


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